Two Vaccines, Two Days

Actual footage of the MLIT HH Friday. Dad’s in the background… I’m in front. BTW I was feverish. Thanks for the photo Pixabay on

And, it is done.

Dad and I had our second COVID vaccinations. Even though our first doses were done one week apart, for some reason our second dosage was scheduled on April 30. IT was as bad as it sounds.

First things first: all dad had with his first shot was a sore arm. I had ALL OF THE POSSIBLE SIDE EFFECTS including unpleasant GI issues with the first shot. It was so bad I had to leave work (meaning, abandon my dungeon office and sleep on the couch for the rest of the day). I was out of commission for 3 days.

So this time, I was smart. I thought, “I’ll take the day. Just in case. Maybe it won’t be that bad?!”

Well, comparatively speaking, It wasn’t. However, I had a fever, chills, and I think my right arm has sympathy pains for the left because they’re both hurting. AND, dad was down too.

We were a bunch of slugs on Friday. Thank goodness the kiddos were in school and Theo’s aide arrived at the house for the afternoon/evening.

People — I was yellow for a good portion of the day. It gave me an interesting tone as opposed to my usual extremely fair skin tone that’s best described as “A CNY Snowstorm in February” and requires SPF 300 year round. IT definitely was a look! But this time it only lasted 36 hours.

But I tell you this because no matter how bad the side effects are the medication is worth it! Whether it be a COVID-fighting vaccine, a mood stabilizer, or a medication you’ve never heard of that quickly becomes part of your routine because of abnormal blood work. The benefits outweigh the side effects. Do NOT miss your regularly scheduled medication or that second shot.

If we make it through this together I may actually give you a very long and awkward hug. But only if you’ve been vaccinated.

So, who will be first?

One thought on “Two Vaccines, Two Days

  1. Pingback: The week gone by — May 9 – A Silly Place

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