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Most kids love pizza. Or chicken nuggets. Sure, we love them too. But NOTHING speaks to my girls quite like some kielbasa, pierogi (varenyky) dressed in butter and onions and served with a dollop of sour cream, and rye bread. Smachnoho!!

Dreaming, Always Dreaming

Ever since I can remember I have had the weirdest dreams… I remember being about 4 or 5, being terribly ill with a fever, and having a dream while my mom (Grandma Millie) cooled me off with water and alcohol which is totally not allowed these days. During that period, between waking and just being … Continue reading

#ThanksDave #MLiTriplicate TOP TEN

My Life in Triplicate’s TOP TEN THINGS THIS TRIPLET MOMS SAYS 10: When I wished for a child, I wished for one. My husband wished for two. God laughed. 9. The next person to say “It goes by so fast” gets either a throat punch, or a call at 3 am when it’s NOT going by … Continue reading

#Bullying We Need Understanding

My dad was my superhero for a variety of reasons. Among them, and one of my greatest memories of him, was when he stood up for a developmentally disabled girl in front of a dairy in Utica. The girl was being bullied by three, maybe four, other teenagers or kids…I was about 5 when I … Continue reading